• 750 Bridgeway (map)
  • Sausalito, CA, 94965
  • United States

Third Generation: The Bay Area Figurative Movement Today – Selected Bay Area Figurative Artists

The Bay Area Figurative Movement never died and continues to thrive. San Francisco Bay Area artists and models founded the Models Guild in 1946, and it’s no wonder that we still have such a healthy, lively community, chock-full of dedicated talent.

What does our figurative community look like? We are artists and models; teachers and students; our styles are anywhere from classical to pop; our techniques are everything from digital to hand-ground pigments; and our community encompasses the very experienced and the relatively new to exhibiting.

This exhibition explores a full range of styles and approaches combined with skill and craft.

Third Generation: The Bay Area Figurative Movement Today will be on view at SCA from Jan 5-28th, 2024.

• The Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, Jan 20th, 2 to 5pm. Refreshments will be served.

• The Closing Reception will be held on Sunday, Jan 28th, 3-6pm. There will be a book talk/sale, curators’ and artists’ talks, a roving model to draw, and more!